GICS news, Member Content|

During the ASEAN Society of Pediatric Surgeons Congress held in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 22-23, Beda Espineda delivered an enlightening oral presentation entitled “GICS: Its Relevance to the LMICs.” Acknowledging the limited awareness among delegates about GICS (Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery).

Beda used the opportunity to invite listeners to become members of this GICS. He emphasized the significance of GICS in addressing the unique challenges faced by Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in pediatric surgery. Furthermore, he encouraged the delegates to mark their calendars for GICS V, scheduled to take place in Manila on February 25-26, 2024, where they would have the chance to engage with prominent experts in the field. To learn more, he encouraged them to visit the GICS website for further details on its initiatives and resources.

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